
Visit from Santa

Mama K let us know that Santa would be dropping by her office on Wednesday of this week, so we took Carter for his first visit with jolly fat man. I wasn't sure how Carter would react to this big bearded red man. After all, we think he is scared of his Pop-Pop (Adam's daddy) because of his mustache.....or it could be that he's so loud, we don't know yet. I also had told Adam that he would probably be scared of Santa considering that he was NOT scared of all of Adam's Halloween "spookiness". To our surprise, he did nothing! He just looked at him with what I like to call the "Adam Kelly Stare", like, "who are you?" and "why are you holding me". But he let us take his picture with Santa, and that's all I wanted! We ended up be fortunate enough to get a couple of other shots with his cousins, Mary Grace and Baby Hallie.

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